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Duffel bags for kids, line storage or the gym
When first seeing these bags a friend of mine said "That's the smallest duffel bag I've ever seen. What do you do with that?" These duffels are ideal for kids to put all their gear in one place and feel like they have a special canvas bag like their parents. Each bag has a large pocket on either side inside the bag as well as 2 smaller pockets on the outside of the bag. The bags have also been purchased by boaters looking for a strong bag to put extra lines in of various sizes. The handles are made from webbing used for seat belts in vehicles.
The duffels come with or without lining.

The duffel bags sit on top of the display case in the first photo. There is a duffel to match each ensemble ... just not enough room to put them all out. The "seat belt" handles are sewn on using the X box stitch at the opening as well as being sewn along the sides down to the burlap. These handles are never coming off.
As you can see when looking inside, these bags actually have quite a bit of room in them. Each has a #10 vislon zipper with a heavy duty plastic pull so there is no metal to corrode in the salt air or seize up from moisture. The pockets inside are designed to give places to separate things making them easier to find,
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