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Ditty Bags
It was at one time a requirement to make one of these for yourself if you wanted to come aboard a sailing vessel to work. I have seen many variations of this bag but the idea was to have something strong to throw your stuff in and keep with you in your bunk. The original ditty bags were not much larger than mine. Some of mine have outside pockets and some don't, preserving the original tradition .

This traditional bag does not have pockets inside as the idea is to pack it as full as you can and then be able to stow down by your feet in your sleeping berth. It's one of my favorite designs to make in its simplicity and durability.
My ditty bags are a modification of the original. Like the original design, they can withstand anything. Most of them have pockets sewn on the outside of the canvas which is then wrapped and sewn around the lining material. The original bags would not have had pockets at all.

I enjoy mixing and matching the linings with the sunbrella fabrics creating a feeling of different time periods and coastal places with each bag. The binding material used at the top of the bag for the rope to be pulled through is strong and flexible ensuring years of wear and tear.
The round disc which constitutes the bottom of the bag is a material called phifertex. I use it for the bottom plate on boat cushions as well. Its tight vinyl weave protects the canvas and its contents. It also allows air to circulate so whatever's inside can breathe.
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